Angela Byron was announced as best contributor at the Google-O’Reilly Open Source Hall of Fame awards July 22nd, 2008. Please comment below if you’ve received help or have helped webchick help others as a way of demonstrating your congratulations.
Just a few years ago Angela Byron made the fateful decision to wander into #drupal and ask a question. Several years later, her helpful personality has tamed the #drupal developers and made the Drupal community more understanding and compassionate to its users and new developers.
Angela joined the Drupal project in 2005 as a Google Summer of Code student. If there is a way to contribute to Drupal, she does it:
She goes to various conferences and recruits people to join the Drupal community. Especially women. See
Speaking at Women in Open Source event in Los Angeles and women in open source on linux for slides examples and Google Podcast: Women in Open Source.
Angie wrote the form API reference just to mention one of her bigger achievements. She is one of the best recruiters for the Drupal documentation team.
Secretary of the Drupal Association
Angie is the acting secretary of the Drupal Association, the non-profit organization responsible for overseeing the success of the Drupal project through raising funds, maintaining infrastructure, and running Drupal events.
She now leads the Drupal project in Google Highly Open Participation and Summer of Code events.
Her first patch was a huge one, revamping all our help texts. Subsequent code contributions to Drupal have included numerous extension modules, a theme, and significant core patches for Drupal 5, 6 and 7.
Patch reviewing
Angie is among the most active patch reviewers, meaning she interacts in a constructive way with most of the other people contributing to Drupal.
As a part of her day job at Lullabot, she flys around the world delivering training to groups of people learning how to be Drupal developers and themers.
In the words of others:
Angie is a role model for everyone and an inspiration to work with. Her dedication to quality is contagious, and her passion for inclusion sets the standard for how people should work with each other.
- Robert Douglass, Senior Drupal Advisor, Acquia.
Angie has been a joy to work with, and I appreciate her dedication to the Drupal project. She makes Drupal shine.
-Dries Buytaert, founder of the Drupal project, Drupal Association, Acquia