Handling “git pull” Automatic Merges

Handling “git pull” Automatic Merges

“Only YOU can prevent useless merges”

If you’re just starting out with Git, you’ll inevitably run into commits into your feature branches like the following:

Merge branch ‘test’ of git.lullabot.com:lbcom into test

What are these commits, and how did they get created? Usually, it’s the result of adding a commit to your local copy of a branch, and then pulling upstream changes into that branch. Since your local commit isn’t on the remote repository yet, when git pull runs git merge origin/[branch] [branch], it will automatically do a “recursive” merge and create a commit with the remote changes. Then, when you push your changes up, you end up with both a merge from the remote integration branch into your local branch, and a merge from your feature branch into the integration branch.
Let’s take a look at an example of how this situation can happen, and a way to resolve it cleanly. First, let’s create two temporary git repositories: “upstream”, to represent the remote repository, and “downstream”, to represent your local clone of the repository.

~/ $ cd /tmp

tmp/ $ git init upstream

Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/upstream/.git/

tmp/ $ cd upstream

upstream/ $ git config —local receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore # This allows us to push into upstream even when it has a branch checked out

upstream/ $ echo ‘Demo for how to handle upstream commits after you have merged into the upstream branch.’ > README.txt

upstream/ $ git add README.txt

upstream/ $ git commit -m ‘Adding a README file.’

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