How to find Drupal talent with DrupalSN.com
It’s no secret finding Drupal talent can be hard but DrupalSN.com aims to make things a little easier for you or your company when it comes to Drupal recruitment.
Keep reading to see how DrupalSN.com can help you find Drupal talent.
Looking for talent in a specific location with specific skills
If you’re looking for a developer or company in a specific location with specific skills we recommend using The Drupal Talent Finder to do that initial searching for you so you can make a short list of potential hires. Once you have your short list check out their profiles and projects portfolio. If you like what you see, get in touch or add them as a contact (their updates will show on your dashboard) for later.
The Drupal Talent Finder is essentially a members search page BUT DrupalSN.com now has over 7500 members ranging from companies, freelancers & hobbyists (hobbyists may be open to being hired and trained so don’t rule them out) so it’s a great starting point to connect with developers & companies.
With The Drupal Talent Finder you can current search by country, professional status, expertise and current availability (although we recommend you ignore that as this can change quickly for busy developers). More search fields will be added over the coming months.
Looking for talent for a specific project type
Building a social network, eCommerce site or plannig on using Drupal in the education field? Makes sense to hire someone who has experience with that type of project right?!
This is where the projects showcase can really help you out, search by Drupal version & site type to drill down to the site type you are building or check out the the most popular projects. From there create a short list, users projects portfolio & profile. Again If you like what you see, get in touch or add them as a contact for later.
We want to do more!!
We have a very long list of features to be implemented in the coming months but if you have a feature request which will help you or others better find Drupal talent or if you are the talent and have ideas how DrupalSN can help you get found we want to know about it! info [at] drupalsn [dot] com
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