We are excited to announce that three key modules, Views, CCK, and Organic Groups, have published release candidates today, ready for testing. If you are interested in speeding the transition to a full release, install and test the Release Candidates (RC). Many months of work have gone into extensive rewrites of these modules, leading to major improvements that will make Drupal 6 an even more attractive platform for building websites.
As always, you should upgrade these modules on a test site first, and make sure to make a complete backup. You never know how your site’s customizations will affect things, or what silly little thing nobody else caught.
IMPORTANT! There are a couple Drupal core bugs that could affect anyone using Views and anyone updating from an earlier version of CCK. They will be fixed in the Drupal 6.3 release, whenever it gets issued. Until then, you must use http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-6.x-dev.tar.gz the latest development release of core.
More details about these pivotal module releases follow…